Colors | HEX Code | RGB | CMYK |
Red | #B22234 | 178, 34, 52 | 0, 81, 71, 30 |
White | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 | 0, 0, 0, 0 |
Blue | #3C3B6E | 60, 59, 110 | 45, 46, 0, 57 |
The United States flag, commonly known as the “Stars and Stripes,” features three primary colors: red, white, and blue. Each color holds significant meaning. The color white symbolizes purity and innocence, reflecting the country’s ideals. Red, found in seven horizontal stripes, represents valor and bravery, echoing the courage of the nation’s founders and those who have defended the country. Blue, which backgrounds the flag’s upper left corner filled with 50 white stars, stands for vigilance, perseverance, and justice. These stars represent the 50 states of the Union. The arrangement of the flag’s colors and elements is deeply symbolic, designed to embody the fundamental values and beliefs of the United States. This tri-color scheme not only serves a symbolic purpose but also offers a visually distinct and recognizable appearance, distinguishing it unmistakably as the American flag.