Guinea Flag Colors, Meaning & History

Guinea flag
Color Palette
Red#CE1126206, 17, 380, 92, 82, 19
Yellow#FCD116252, 209, 220, 17, 91, 1
Green#0094600, 148, 96100, 0, 35, 42

The national flag of Guinea has three vertical stripes, colored red, yellow, and green.

Meaning of the Flag of Guinea

The red color in the Guinean flag stands for the blood that was shed during the anti-colonial period. The yellow represents the Guinean natural resources of gold, as well as the sun. the sun in Guinea is an important source of energy, generosity, and equality among men. The green color represents the country’s vegetation.

History of the Flag of Guinea

Guinea was a French colony until 1958. As the Fifth Republic was established in France, Charles De Gaul offered the French colonies to become either autonomous or independent. Guinea decided to break all ties with France and proclaim independence on November 2, 1958, led by Sékou Touré, the leader of Guinea’s struggle for independence and the first President of Guinea. The flag was officially adopted on November 10. The colors of the flag were adapted from those of the Democratic party of Guinea, the political party that led Guinea to independence. The adoption of the colors red, yellow, and green was influenced by the Pan-African movement, which sought to promote unity and solidarity among African nations. These colors were also present in the flags of other newly independent African countries, such as Ghana, reflecting a sense of shared identity and struggle against colonialism.